About Us

Hi, we're Neil and Tanya, and together we enjoy long distance walking. In 2014 we plan to walk the length of the British Isles, from Mizen Head in the south of Ireland to Malin Head in the north, then the length of Great Britain from John O'Groats in the north to Land's End in the south, a total of about 1600 miles, in aid of ShelterBox

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Sunday, 19 January 2014

Training on tarmac

We're expecting Ireland to be hard - miles of walking on tarmac, cold wind, heavy rain, getting wet and muddy - so today was perfect training for it. Except we have a nice warm house to come back to instead of a cold tent. Can't pretend we won't miss it!


  1. Very nice-looking website, and those gorgeous photos from your previous walks have given me serious wanderlust! Looking forward to tracking your progress this summer, and hope to join you for a day or two. Hugs, Roz x

  2. Hi folks,
    Lovely blog. Hope it works out that I can trot along for a day or two.

    Good planning, but how will you get hold of enough cake?

  3. Great blog. I wish you both success in your latest adventure. Looking forward to future postings. Get out there and hike!!!!!!. Milky
